Some Considerations on the Maritime Transport in the Black Sea Area and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Marine Fish to the Population




world economy, maritime transport, the environment, technological resources.


Transports represent an important aspect of material production, which decisively influences on the other branches of the world economy, including international trade. Thus, the connection between the economic coordinates and the other components of the macroeconomic framework, synthesized from a theoretical point of view must take into account the interactions between: ambient, human resources, superstructure (social, political, legally, cultural, etc), economic relations, material products (technical and technological resources). Maritime transport has a special role in the temporal-spatial relationship between geographical areas, continents and current states of the world. Maritime transport has the role of creating links between all these areas, regions, and states for the performance of complex categories of economic, commercial, social and even political activities. The importance of maritime transport can be traced starting with the following aspects: historic, economic, social political, environment protection, education and scientific research.
Environmental pollution with toxic metals can lead to the possible contamination of the marine fish. The studies of levels of As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb is essential to estimate the health risk. The potential health risk may exist for high exposure consumers considering the possible contamination of As and Hg in particular. In this respect we discuss on Health risk of heavy metals in marine fish, Health risk assessment, Estimated of Daily Intake (EDI), Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) for non-carcinogenic risk, Carcinogenic Risk (CR), and on Statistical analysis and map.




How to Cite

Ciupină, V. (2025). Some Considerations on the Maritime Transport in the Black Sea Area and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Marine Fish to the Population. BLACK SEA REGION AT THE CROSSROADS OF CIVILIZATIONS, 2(2), 719–727.