ISSN 2960-9208
E-ISSN 2960-9267
Article Formatting Guideline
Page Setup: Use A4 format with 1.15 line spacing, font size 11, and 2.54 cm margins on all sides.
File Submission: The article must be submitted in electronic format as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) in both Georgian and English, using the Sylfaen font. The file name should include the author’s last name, first name initial, and the year (e.g., Berdzenishvili.2024.doc).
The following requirements are mandatory for both the Georgian and English versions of the article:
Articles must be between 5 pages (10,000 characters) and 20 pages (40,000 characters), including references and appendices.
Author Information: Below the article's title (aligned right), include the author’s full name, academic title, position, institution, email, and ORCID address.
Article Structure
The article must include the following sections:
Abstract: The abstract should be up to 250 words, summarizing the article's content and key findings.
Keywords: Provide a minimum of 3 keywords, separated by semicolons.
Introduction: The introduction should outline the research problem, objectives, significance, and, if necessary, a brief review of related studies.
Methods: Describe the methods used in the research and analysis process.
Discussion: Present a detailed discussion of the research topic.
Conclusions: Clearly and concisely summarize the main findings of the study.
References should be listed alphabetically. The article must follow the APA citation style developed by the American Psychological Association. Footnotes should be used only for explanations and remarks. Use the Citations & Bibliography function in Microsoft Word to generate references. Add sources to the library and automatically generate the bibliography. Instructions:
Citation Guidelines
In-Text Citation Style: Quotations within the text should be enclosed in quotation marks (" "). At the end of the citation, include the author's last name, publication year, a colon, and the page number in parentheses. Example: (Javakhishvili, 1915: 67).
Formatting Examples for References
Muskhelishvili, D. (2023). Works: Key Issues in the Historical Geography of Georgia (Vol. I, p. 57). Tbilisi: Artanuji.
Journal Articles:
Sulava, N. (2024). The Colchian Language and Colchian Bronze Culture. Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Series of History, Archaeology, and Art History (Vol. I, pp. 177–178). Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Sciences Publishing.
Book Chapters by Multiple Authors:
Uzunadze, R. (2008). River Transport. In Surguladze, A., & Sioridze, M. (Eds.), Essays on the History of Southwest Georgia: Adjara (Vol. III, pp. 218–222). Batumi: Shota Rustaveli State University.
Conference Proceedings:
Chichileishvili, M. (2012). The Architecture of Old Batumi (Toward Establishing a General Picture). In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Batumi – Past and Present, II” (October 30–31, 2010, pp. 302–309). Batumi: Shota Rustaveli State University Publishing.
Online Sources:
Takaishvili, E. (1913). Old Georgia, II. Tbilisi. Website: National Parliamentary Library of Georgia. Accessed: November 13, 2024. Link: