Technical Parameters for Presenting the Article:
The paper should be written in an e-version (in Microsoft Word format, article in Georgian with Sylfaen font, paper in English with Times New Roman font). The file name should be the author's last name, for example, Malakmadze.doc. The length of the paper (including the list of references and other types of appendices) should not exceed 12 pages.
The article should be presented in A4 format:
line spacing 1;
font size 11;
The margin left on all four sides is 2.50 cm.
Structure of the article:
Title of the article: The title of the article should be presented in English and in the original language of the article (font size 12, bold). The field/subfield should be indicated on the left side above the title.
Author/authors: below the title of the article (on the right side) in English and in the original languages of the article, the full name, surname, acad. Degree, position, telephone, e-mail, ORCID code (if you are not registered yet, register at the web address:
Abstract (short content): 250-300 words in English and the original languages of the article. The abstract should be informative, reflect the main content of the article, describe the purpose of the research, summarize the main results of the research and present its theoretical and practical significance, follow the logic of the article's construction.
Keywords: the article should be accompanied by correctly selected keywords (3-5).
Literature Verification Procedure:
Citations and bibliographies in published articles should be formatted according to APA style. Authors should use Microsoft Word's bibliography tool (REFERENCES), or bibliography management software (e.g. Mendeley, Zotero, RefMan, Endnote, JabRef).
Citation style: A citation in a scientific publication is separated from the main text by quotation marks (" "). At the end of the citation, an index should be placed in round brackets, indicating the surname of the author of the quoted text in the original language, the year of publication of the text, followed by a colon and the corresponding page. For example: (Malakmadze, 2006: 53).
Indication of used literature and sources:
References and sources are arranged alphabetically. Non-Georgian language literature and sources where the Latin font is used (eg English, German) are indicated in the original language).
Instructions for Presentation of Illustrations:
Illustrations (charts, diagrams, tables, pictures, maps, autograph sketches, etc.) should be presented in the text or as a separate file.
Illustrations should be submitted in the following format:
EPS (or PDF): diagrams, tables and charts, with all fonts used;
TIFF (or JPEG): color and black-and-white photographs, maps, resolution at least 300 dpi;
TIFF (or JPEG): black and white graphic drawing, autograph sketch, resolution at least 1000 dpi;
TIFF (or JPEG): combined (color and black-and-white) image, resolution at least 500 dpi.
Number the illustrations used in the text consecutively. Each illustration should have a caption. Write
the inscriptions separately, not on the illustration. The caption should include a title and a short
description. Make a short caption, but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. Avoid vertical rows;
Use the following fonts for inscriptions on the illustrations: Sylfaen for the Georgian version of the
article; Times New Roman for the English version;