Some Stylistic Features of Zurab Gorgiladze's Creative Work
A creative person, poetry, style, linguistic featureAbstract
The paper deals with some stylistic features of Zurab Gorgiladze's creative works. Studying the language of the poet is a neat and interesting matter. It is neat, if you must get in touch with the inner, spiritual world, thoughts of the creator himself; it is interesting to the extent that you are a co-creator and travel together with the author in his world, in his vocabulary. The poetic language is the foundation of the writer, the garment, and the sole of his thoughts. In many ways, the language of Zurab Gorgiladze's poetry is amazing. The poet especially loves the "word of the master" and his speech is a celebration of the power, grace, color and strength of words that have not tasted a drop of wine for three hundred years, having been fasted for three hundred years, and chained for three hundred years. Word formation, content capacity of lexical units, stylization of lexical dialectics, imagery speech is a special stylistic handwriting for a poet.
The article also talks about the stylistic features of repeating unfinished sentences, figurative expressions, words, or sentences. Zurab Gorgiladze's work is imprinted in the reader's consciousness with amazing epithets. With the stylistic use of auditory-vocal epithets, the poet creates an amazing painting. Attention should be drawn to one interesting detail characteristic of the poet. The elements of dialogue unexpected for the lyricist, sophisticated dialogue inserts sometimes invade Gorgiladze’s verses. This too can be considered as a peculiar way of stylization. These issues are discussed in the paper.
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