The Pronoun eme in the Fereydanian Dialect (Formal and Functional-semantic Analysis)




Fereydani dialect of the Georgian language, Georgian dialect vocabulary, eme pronoun, Fillers in the Fereydanian dialect


The Fereydani dialect was formed on the basis of the speech of the Georgians who emigrated to Iran in the XVII century. Fereydanian has still preserved the main systemic and structural features of the Georgian language in a foreign linguistic and cultural environment. The development of the dialect is primarily determined by the internal rules of the Georgian language, although at the same time, the influence of the Persian language is also noticeable.

In general, dialectical speech is characterized by a variety of fillers. In this regard, the data of the dialect isolated from the Georgian environment and its comparison with other dialects of the Georgian language are particularly interesting.

The presented article discusses the formal and functional-semantic characteristics of the pronoun eme (filler); The new dialectal material recorded by us in Fereydan, as well as the published Fereydanian speech samples, are analyzed.

In the Fereydani dialect, the pronoun eme is quite common as a filler, which differs from the personal pronouns both in form and function.

  1. The pronoun eme comes in various case forms (eme, emem, emes, emit...); The plural is produced with the suffix –eb (emebi, emebma, emebs...). Affixes can be added (emechi, emeze...).
  2. The pronoun eme is often found in combination with the verb kna (to do). The verb usually changes according to person, number, and tense. With the forms of the I series eme is in dative (emes-vikt, emes-ikmen), and in the II and III series - in the nominative (eme-vkna: eme-giknia).

In terms of the use of the pronoun eme, the Fereydani dialect shows similarities with different dialects of the Georgian language (Imerkhevian, Taoian, Livanian, Adjarian, Kakhetian...), which is an indicator of the common Georgian regularities in the Fereydanian dialect.

Author Biography

Eka Dadiani, Akaki Tsereteli State University; Scientific-Research Center of Kartvelology

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Head of the Scientific-Research Center of Kartvelology named after Professor Tariel Putkaradze
Tel: 598 10 14 72


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How to Cite

Dadiani, E. (2023). The Pronoun eme in the Fereydanian Dialect (Formal and Functional-semantic Analysis). BLACK SEA REGION AT THE CROSSROADS OF CIVILIZATIONS, 2, 132–144.


