Charity of Georgian Public Figures The Role of Spreader of literacy among Georgians in Community Activities
Literacy society among Georgians, charity, bequests, education, schoolsAbstract
During the tsarist reign, the Society for Spreading Literacy among Georgians was one of the institutions that served the national cause of the Georgian people, the development of their language and culture. In the 70s of the 19th centuries, in particular, the "Book-Knowledge Spreading Society" founded on May 15, 1879, later the K.S.K.G. Society began active activities throughout Georgia. It was an organization that has withstood the work of governments of three different views and directions for several decades. The public organization operated until 1927 and was engaged in great cultural and educational activities.
The activities of the organization founded on public foundations were mainly based on charity: charity evening concerts were often held in various parts of Georgia, cities and villages, where their founded Georgian primary schools (schools) existed, for the purpose of material support. Help came from permanent members of the society, both through membership fees and simultaneous financial assistance. Special mention should be made of the bequests given by our family members, which were determined by the transfer of movable and immovable property. The Foundation of the Literacy Society of Georgia preserved in the National Archives of Georgia and the personal funds of our public figures preserve very interesting material about Georgian charity, their support, and their support for the Georgian education system at the beginning of the last century.
In the topic, I present the selfless help and charity of our great Georgians Davit Sarajishvili, Yakob Gogebashvili, Niko Ghogoberidze, Grigol Dadiani, Giorgi Zdanovich, Dimitri Nakashidze, Kita Abashidze preserved in the funds of the National Archive, to the community of spreading literacy among Georgians and their contributions to charity, their manuscripts, with scanned material of their wills and their photographs.
საქართველოს საისტორიო ცენტრალური არქივი − სცა: ფ. 481, ან. 1. საქმეები NN 777, 779, 830, 1269, 1308, 1309, 1327, 1753, 1829, 1832; ფ. 2079, ან. 1, საქმე N 1.
საქართველოს უახლესი ისტორიის ცენტრალური არქივი: ფ. 1909, ან. 2, საქმეები: NN 2, 4, 21, 23, 25.
გოგებაშვილი, 1989: − ი. გოგებაშვილი, "რჩეული თხზულებები" , თბილისი, 1989.
საქართველოს სახელმწიფო არქივები, 1953: − ცენტრალური სახელმწიფო საისტორიო არქივი, ქართველთა შორის წერა-კითხვის გამავრცელებელი საზოგადოება (ფონდის აღწერილობა), თბილისი, 1953.