Geopolitical Processes at the Turn of the XVIII-XIX Centuries and the Caucasus
Caucasus, geopolitics, Georgia, Ottoman Empire, Iran, RussiaAbstract
In the 18th century, the contradictions between the great powers due to dominance in the Caucasus became more intense. Together with traditional rivals - Iran and Ottomans, the strengthened Russian state actively engaged in the struggle for influence in the Caucasus. He conveniently benefited from the goodwill of Transcaucasian peoples, especially Christian Georgians, and used them to realize his interests. Both Caucasian political forces in general and Georgian political forces, in particular, could not properly assess the international situation created at the end of the 18th century and the end of the 19th century, and they still considered Russia to be the only hope to get out of the difficult situation.
This attitude of political units of the Caucasus made it easier for Russia to implement its plans, which resulted in the conquest of Kartli-Kakheti, then the kingdom of Imereti, and then the entire Caucasus at the beginning of the 19th century.
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