Reports of the Great Britain’s Vice-Consul Frederico Guarracino on the Trade and the Navigation in Batumi (1840-1845)




Batumi, Frederico Guarachino, British vice-consul, Batumi port, Batumi trade


The importance of Batumi (Being a part of the Ottoman Empire for more than two centuries) as a port and trade-transit town has been increasing since the 1830s, which is connected, on the one hand, with the results of the Russian-Ottoman war of 1828-1829 (Ottoman lost the eastern coast of the Black Sea), on the other hand, with the growth of Russian influence in Anatolia. This was followed by the opening of Great Britain's diplomatic representation first in Trabzon (in 1831) and then in Batumi (in 1840).

The first British vice-consul in Batumi (the chief diplomat was sent with this status) was Frederico Guarachino, who left us interesting information about Batumi's trade and shipping opportunities in 1840-1845. At that time, the town was included in the Sanjak of Lazistan, and the latter was within the boundaries of the Trabzon Province.

The reports presented by the British diplomat – F. Guarracino clearly show the general situation in Batumi under the Ottoman rule and the town's trade-economic and shipping possibilities in 1840-1845. During the mentioned period, trade and cargo turnover in Batumi were not on a large scale, however, according to the diplomat's observation, the beginning of the traffic of steamships would add importance to the town and contribute to its further development.

Author Biographies

Irakli Baramidze, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

PhD in History, Associate Professor at
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Tel: +995 577 30 40 20

Khatuna Diasamidze, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

PhD in History, Associate Professor at
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Tel: +995 577 42 71 30

Oleg Jibashvili, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Niko Berdzenishvili Institute

PhD in History, Senior Researcher, Head of Department of
History and Archaeology, Niko Berdzenishvili Institute,
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University; Associate Professor,
St. Tbel Abuserisdze Teaching University of Georgian Patriarchate
Tel: +995 593 58 81 67


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How to Cite

Baramidze, I., Diasamidze, K., & Jibashvili, O. (2022). Reports of the Great Britain’s Vice-Consul Frederico Guarracino on the Trade and the Navigation in Batumi (1840-1845). BLACK SEA REGION AT THE CROSSROADS OF CIVILIZATIONS, 1, 22–37.



History and Politology